All Sporting Chances
Helen and Douglas House Siblings Residential Weekend

The Helen and Douglas House Siblings Residential Weekend in August was a fantastic success. Through Give Them a Sporting Chance, 18 siblings of children with life-limiting illnesses to had fun, made friends, and tried new activities. Above is a photo of some of them at the campfire, all ready to toast marshmallows and share stories.
A family visit to EuroDisney
Two weeks after Tony’s first COVID vaccination, he suffered a life changing and threatening stroke. Before Tony was given his Sporting Chance, he was already in training to walk the Humber Bridge to raise funds for the Goole Neuro Rehabilitation Unit where Tony was cared for, for 6 months. Tony’s Sporting Chance was to visit Euro Disney with his family.
Raised funds for Goole Neuro Rehabilitation Unit
A quiet lakeside hotel and the Lion King in London
Give Them a Sporting Chance agreed to support a family with a visit to London, with tickets to the Lion King. The visit was to celebrate the 18th birthday of the son who suffers from intractable epilepsy, has a sight impairment, has sensory processing disorder, uses button for external feeding and is wheelchair bound. The daughter also has multiple disabilities. Unfortunately, a short time before their visit the family had to cancel due to the son being admitted to hospital.
Instead of London, Give Them a Sporting Chance supported the family with a stay in a quiet, beautiful country lakeside hotel, which the family could drive to relatively easily.
As the family were no longer going to London, this meant that Give Them a Sporting Chance had four tickets for the Lion King (two for disabled children) on a specific date. These tickets were offered to a children’s hospice within easy travelling distance to London. The family who went were ‘over the moon’ to have such a treat for their young son, who had very limited life, and his disabled sister.
Rivertime Accessible Regatta
On 14 June 2017, the Rivertime Boat Trust together with Give Them a Sporting Chance (GTaSC) staged the first Rivertime Accessible Regatta (RAR) in the Thames Valley for children and young people with disabilities, offering a unique chance to get out on the water in a safe and controlled environment and try a new sport or activity they might not otherwise have had the opportunity to do.
SurfABLE Scotland Surf Adventure

Based on the North East coast of Scotland, SurfABLE Scotland is proudly delivering Scotland's first inclusive and fully adaptive surf therapy programme.
Glyn Morris, Chief Executive of Friendly Access said, "We are hugely grateful to Give Them a Sporting Chance for their kind support, which allowed us to bring surf adventure to the largest group meeting of wheelchair athletes seen in Scotland to date. Surf therapy and access along our stunning coastline should be available to everyone, and we feel very privileged to be able to offer this."
West Midland Safari Park

The Baylis family were nominated for a Sporting Chance. The family is made up of Ian, Sarah and their three children.
Ian is a charge nurse in a hospital A & E. Prior to that he was a paramedic. Sarah is a radiographer so between them, they have helped numerous people and are a big contributor to NHS.
Ian was diagnosed with poly cystic kidney disease and needs a transplant. The Baylis family’s Sporting Chance was at the West Midland Safari Park.
Raised funds for Polycystic Kidney disease charity
James experiences the magic of Disneyland

James G’s Sporting Chance; nominated by the Community Liaison Ambassador at Tesco, Elgin, who works with James’ mother . James, aged 2, has incurable Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Give Them a Sporting Chance arranged for James and his family to create memories by visiting Disneyland Paris in July 2022.
Stay at Benrigg Lodge
Five children with special needs (supported by six Carers) stayed at Benrigg Lodge and took part in sporting activities.
Lunch on board the Strathspey Steam railway

A group of over 90 from the Moray and Nairn Riding for the Disabled Group, including carers, helpers, recipients and friends enjoyed a journey from Broomhill to Aviemore and back to Broomhill.
Raised funds for Riding for the disabled
Helicopter flight and visit to the Airport Fire Station
A young man with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 enjoyed a a visit to Inverness Dalcross Airport and a flight in a PDG helicopter, a visit to the Airport Fire Station followed by a tour and lunch given by the airport.
Raised funds for In the process of raising funds for a charity of his choice.
A visit to RAF Lossiemouth, flying in a Tornado jet simulator!

Give Them a Sporting Chance liaised with Elgin Rotary and RAF Lossiemouth, to give Jimmy McLean the opportunity to spend some flying in a Tornado Simulator. Jimmy suffers from epilepsy and learning difficulties, but you can see his smile beaming pretty much throughout his experience.
Raised funds for The Laich of Moray Trust, providing transport for disabled and older people
Transport to and sessions at a local hydrotherapy pool
Disabled children's playgroup
Raised funds for Local charities
Attending a Chelsea football match

Forty six young carers
Raised funds for Local cancer charities
A trip to London
A group of disabled students
Raised funds for Hospice South West
A year's subscription to golf tournaments and competitions
A partially sighted man
Raised funds for Local charities
A round of golf with Simon Dyson
Young boy with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for Local school
Attending the British Grand Prix
A young man suffering from a brain tumour
Raised funds for RNLI
A weekend at Butlins with her family
A young woman suffering from a brain tumour
Raised funds for Local charities
A trip with his family to Disney World
A young boy with eye cancer
Raised funds for Local charities
Funding for a series of kayak tours, cleaning up canal locks
Disabled / able bodied charity group
Raised funds for Macmillan Cancer Trust
Holiday to Disneyworld
Two young siblings who cared for terminally ill parents
Raised funds for London Fire Service Benevolent Fund
First time in plane
Disabled young woman
Raised funds for -
Day with Top Gear Team
Two injured soldiers
Raised funds for Army Benevolent Fund
Liverpool vs Newcastle match
Young man with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for Local cancer charity
New wheelchair
Young Romanian woman amputee
Raised funds for Local charities
F.A Cup Final
Young boy with xeroderma pigmentosum
Raised funds for XP Support group
West End Theatre Trip
Group of young carers
Raised funds for Local cancer charity
Attending the Manchester United v Barcelona match
A young boy suffering from an allergy to UV light
Raised funds for Local charities
Hand cycle across South Island New Zealand
A disabled ex-rugby player
Raised funds for Stem cell research
A day of activities and fun
A group of eighty five carers from Lincolnshire
Raised funds for Lincolnshire Air Ambulance
A sponsored walk from Land's End to John O'Groats
A group of eight veterans suffering from PTSD
Raised funds for Veterans International Aid
Carriage driving holiday

A young woman with Prader Willi syndrome and scoliosis
Raised funds for Local charities
Visit to Elk Mountain Ranch, Colorado
A young boy with cerebral palsy and epilepsy
Raised funds for A local school
Visit to Celtic Training Ground
A man with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for A cerebral palsy charity
Curling match against the British Mens World Championship Curling Team
A wheelchair bound man and his team of wheelchair curlers
Raised funds for Marie Curie Hospice
A trip to London
A group of college students with special needs
Raised funds for NSPCC
A visit to the UK to watch a rugby match between Bucharest and Worcester
A wheel chair bound young man from Romania
Raised funds for Local charities
A visit to Los Angeles to watch the LA Lakers play

A young man with cancer
Raised funds for CLIC Sargent
A day with Arsenal players and manager at the Emirates Stadium
A young man with multiple injuries
Raised funds for Army Benevolent Fund
A day with the English football squad, dinner and attendance at a home international
A young man with severe burns
Raised funds for Army Benevolent Fund
Attending the Paralympics in Beijing
A teenager with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for A cerebral palsy charity
Music therapy lessons
A developmental playgroup
Raised funds for Local charities
Meeting the players of Liverpool football team
A young boy with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for Riding for the Disabled
Attending the Michael Parkinson show, meeting Lewis Hamilton backstage and a trip to the Honda Factory
A young man recovering from cancer
Raised funds for A hospital cancer unit
Riding Lessons
A young girl with juvenile arthritis
Raised funds for Barnardos
Meeting Ade Adepitan and a visit to the set of Desperados
A young boy with brittle bone disease
Raised funds for A charity for those with brittle bones
A George Michael concert and backstage visit
Two carers
Raised funds for Requirement waived
Dune driving in Dubai
A young man with cerebral palsy and Asperger's syndrome
Raised funds for A theatre group for disabled students
Meeting world champion Valentino Rossi and a visit to the Ducati museum and factory
A family with varied problems
Raised funds for A local school
Attending a Test match at the Oval
A wheelchair-bound man with epilepsy
Raised funds for Various causes
Hang gliding in the Swiss Alps
A person with Cerebral Palsy and two carers
Raised funds for A hospital scanner appeal
Attending the three British and Irish Lions Rugby Tests in New Zealand
A person with multiple sclerosis and carer
Raised funds for The MS Therapy Centre (South Wales)
Competing in a series of International Table Tennis Competitions
A group of severely physically disabled Romanian young people
Raised funds for The St Mary's Day Centre in Cluj, Romania" "A Visit to Slimbridge Bird Sanctuary, The Eden Project and The New Forest
A Theatre Group visiting and performing in Dubai and Abu Dhabi
A group of disabled and able-bodied actors and carers
Raised funds for The Lhanbryde Young Parents Group
The Horse of the Year Show
A young person with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for Riding for the Disabled
Attending the Olympics in Greece and the three-day equestrian event
A person with cerebral palsy and carers
Raised funds for Riding for the Disabled
Link with the band "Busted"
A young person with a brain tumour
Raised funds for Fund-raising requirement waived
The Rugby World Cup in Sydney, Australia
A quadriplegic person and three carers
Raised funds for The Teenage Cancer Trust
Trip to Center Parc Norfolk
A group of young carers from East Anglia Childrens Hospice
Raised funds for East Anglia Childrens Hospice
Euro Disney
A family with disabilities and their carers from East Anglia Childrens Hospice
Raised funds for East Anglia Childrens Hospice
Gordonstoun Sail Training on West Coast of Scotland
A group of Glasgow carers
Raised funds for -
Motor Racing with Ralf Schumacher and the BMW Williams Grand Prix Team at Silverstone
Two young people one with muscular dystrophy and one from East Anglia Children's Hospice
Raised funds for Friends of Special Needs Children
Quad Biking
A group of Moray young carers
Raised funds for Princess Royal Trust for Carers
Motor Racing with Pedro de la Rosa and the Jaguar Grand Prix Team
A man with multiple sclerosis
Raised funds for The Forres and National branches of Multiple Sclerosis
Visiting Landmark Adventure Centre near Aviemore
A group of fifty young carers
Raised funds for The Leonard Cheshire Foundation
British Grand Prix at Silverstone

GTASC was delighted to be able to arrange a special ‘Sporting Chance’ to allow six young men from Helen and Douglas Home the chance to visit the British Grand Prix at Silverstone in July 2018. Helen and Douglas Home is a hospice for terminally ill children and young people. The six recipients are all sufferers of Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy and are wheelchair users. It was a totally unique experience for them all, the crowds, the noise and environment not something they could normally encounter. They had trackside seats to watch Lewis Hamilton come second to Sebastian Vettel on a scorching day.
Attending the Brazilian Grand Prix
A group of people from all over Brazil
Raised funds for The Leonard Cheshire Foundation
Milking a Cow
A blind person with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for Red Cross House
Tall Ship sailing from Aberdeen to Great Yarmouth
An amputee with head injuries
Raised funds for Crossroads (Moray) Care Attendant Scheme
A visit to Edinburgh
A visit to Edinburgh visitng The Palace of Holyroodhouse, Dynamic Earth, The Zoo, Edinburgh Castle, The Museum of Discovery, Ten Pin Bowling, The Witchery Tour of Old Edinburgh, and McDonalds!
All for a family of four with a child suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.
Raised funds for The Princess Royal Trust for Carers and the Moray Carers project.
Visit to a Bible College in America.
A young person from Cardiff with Cerebral Palsy
Raised funds for A Cardiff Youth Club for disabled young people.
Learning to Swim
A family of five facing Down's Syndrome, severe hearing and visual challenges, as well as eczema and chest complaints.
Raised funds for The Ladybird Development Group and Autism in Moray
Canoeing, rock climbing, abseiling and white-water rafting in Denver, Colorado
A young person with learning disabilities and partial hearing and asthma, another young person with multiple sclerosis and co-ordination problems with their carer who has neurological problems which have caused her to become a wheelchair user.
Raised funds for The Moray Carers project
The Spanish Riding School in Vienna
Students with special needs from the Cantray Bridge Agricultural College
Raised funds for The Scottish Downs Syndrome Association (Highlands and Islands Branch)
The Opening Ceremony and match, Scotland v Brazil of The World Cup in Paris
A partially sighted teenager with brain damage
Raised funds for The Grampian Society for the Blind; The Scottish Head Injuries Trust
Meeting the Scottish Football Squad at Hampden, Glasgow prior to The World Cup
A partially sighted person and a partially sighted epileptic person
Raised funds for The Grampian Society for the Blind
A trip to Euro-Disney, France
Thirty children with special needs and thirty carers from Drummond Parents Support Group, Inverness
Raised funds for The Princess Royal Trust for Carers and numerous other charities
Swimming with dolphins in Florida
A young person with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for A cerebral palsy charity
Sailing a large yacht
An elderly person who has had a stroke and is partially paralysed and a person with multiple sclerosis who is wheel-chair bound
Raised funds for The Chest Heart and Stroke Association; Cancer Research
Attending The Number One Court at Wimbledon and meeting Tim Henman

A young person from Surrey with severe arthritis in both his hips
Raised funds for Rascals
Embassy World Snooker Championships - to meet Jimmy White
A family of five. Mother and two children suffering from myotonic dystrophy
Raised funds for Rotary International
Visiting El Reino Aventura, Mexico
A young teenager with cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy and asthma
Raised funds for St John's School for The Disabled, Loughton, Essex
Challenge The Gladiators, Birmingham Arena
A child with cystic fibrosis; Wilm's tumour
Raised funds for The Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund
Attending The National Disabled Sports Championship, Wishaw, Scotland
Physically disabled sportsmen and women; people with learning difficulties
Raised funds for The 1997 World Championships for people with disabilities
Attending concerts of the Gordonstoun Concert Society
A woman with lumbar disc paralysis and osteo-arthritis
Raised funds for The Shealin Trust of Scotland
Dolphin Therapy. Dr David Nathanson at the Dolphin Research Center in Florida
A boy with autism
Raised funds for Trellis House, Bristol
Driving with World Champion Nigel Mansell round a Grand Prix circuit
A teenager with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for Red Cross House in Glasgow
Flying in a Buccaneer jet simulator
A teenager with spina bifida
Raised funds for The RAF Benevolent Fund
A visit to a local radio station
A man with learning disabilities
Raised funds for A residential home for people with disabilities
Playing snooker with Stephen Hendry, reigning World Champion
Two children one with spina bifida and one with brittle bone disease
Raised funds for Riding for the Disabled, The Elgin Community Centre
Visiting the bulb fields of Holland
A woman with arthritis
Raised funds for The Heart and Stroke Foundation
A weekend swimming in a luxury heated pool in Scotland
A woman with asthma
Raised funds for The patient was too ill to travel from Orkney
Swimming in the Nairn Hydro-therapy Pool for twelve months
Three young children one with spina bifida one with meningitis, one with muscular dystrophy and one with cerebral palsy
Raised funds for FACES, a group of disabled children